Thursday, March 26, 2020

Eye and shed

ARGHHH. My eye! After the eye dr took off the contact lens Tuesday morning and it was about 80% healed he thought it would heal up the rest on it's own, if I keep drops in all day long and the ointment at night. So, that's what I did Tuesday day and Tuesday night. Yesterday felt much better. I continued with the same treatment all day and at bedtime put in the ointment and set my alarm for 1am to get up and put some more in. At 12:45 my eyelid scraped off the healing part again and instant pain. Pain that lasted a good hour. When it finally calmed down and I could get back to sleep I had then set my alarm for 5am, to add ointment again. At 4:30am it did it all over again. I would have been crying from the pain if my eye hadn't already been pouring tears out of it.

I went back to eye dr again this morning. It actually has healed more than when he looked at it Tuesday. Now there are like 5 small spots still healing, rather than a large area, but my eye just apparently gets too dried out while sleeping, even with the ointment. He put a contact lens back on but felt now it could be left on for 48 hours and is hoping that the little left to heal with now be able to completely heal. Keeping fingers crossed. I am so tired of dealing with than and not getting any sleep.  I had to get payroll done today, so at least after the contact was on and I got back home I was able to do that.

DH did his best to try and smooth things over with woodworker guy, but no go. But not surprising. The guy isn't exactly really friendly anyway, is he? LOL. DH tried to text him Tues night.  Said sorry you are mad, but I really just don't need someone constantly telling me what to do. He had left a couple of his tools here, said he replied was going to have that guy we hired stop by and pick them up. DH said I can run them over to you. Maybe we can talk this out. Nope. Again, DH tried to be reasonable. Then he texted later yesterday morning he was going to come over and pick up his tools. Ok. No, he sends his ex-wife over to get them, LOL. She says he's just an old man, set it his ways. He was just here as a friend, to help. DH told her I'm an old man. I'm 55 years old. I don't need a boss. He wasn't here as a friend - he was here to try to run this project, down to what nail we used.

Like I told DH, that isn't a friend. A friend doesn't spend every minute criticizing everything and bossing you around. When he had asked DH about the shed build a week or two before DH told him - you aren't getting up on that roof. Neither am I. It's too dangerous. (not having a 74 yr old do that kind of work, nor would ever expect him to, friend or no friend). Well, Dh said he could tell that he was upset when Dh told him he was hiring the other guy to do the shed with DH. We are guessing that's part of why he was such a complete jerk to DH and the other guy the whole time he was here "just trying to be a friend and help"

I knew it was bad with this guy (that's why the past couple of months I had just started avoiding visiting with him when he stops by). But, dang - after DH told me all the stuff, the guy literally never let up criticizing and telling DH what and how to do EVERY thing. Here's some other examples of his crap DH was dealing with this "friend". DH is meticulous. His 1999 pick up truck is meticulous. Part of the reason he doesn't drive it  much is because if he does take it out then he feels like he has to wash it before putting it back in the shop. (it has a custom paint job) but with his muscles he doesn't always feel much like spending the time to wash a big F350 truck. One time, while in the shop with DH and criticizing him about it, he said well, there's dust on it and actually wiped his finger across the dust. If you are a show car person you know what that can do to paint......DH was like "hey! knock that shit off!" Who would do that on someone's nice paint job? Now, whenever he's in the shop with DH he pulls out his pocket knife and pretends he's going to gouge the paint. Ha ha. so funny....

Then while they were working on the shed (the shed has our new sod around 3 sides of it) he starts spitting out nails with the nail gun onto the lawn, just for the fun of it, I guess. DH was like "hey, knock it off! I don't want to get a flat tire on my riding mower when I start mowing because of nails in the lawn". DH says you can't patch lawn mower tires, you just end up having to keep airing them up or just replace the tire. Guy thought he was being funny, I guess.  Also, when the sprinkler system guys put in the sprinkler system right before winter they left a whole bunch of little flags everywhere as markers. Some to mark where sprinkler heads are, some for other reasons, probably only known to them LOL. They will be coming back in spring to finish up and get it working. But, DH hasn't touched the little flags. Obviously they put them where they put them for a reason. There was one flag near the corner of the shed. Guy says to DH why is this flag here? there's no sprinkler head.  DH says maybe it got covered up with the sod and they marked it so they know to adjust the sod for it when they come back to finish. I don't know, but they put them there for a reason. Then guy grabs the flag out of the ground and throws it to the side! All because apparently he didn't want to have to walk around it and he didn't see a need for it there. DH walked back over to the flag, picked it up and put it back in the ground where it was and just didn't even respond to guy.

At one point early on the shed building start he says to DH "you're putting a metal roof on this, right?" DH says no.....and the guy goes off on how it needs to be a metal roof, etc. DH says I'm using shingles to match my house and shop. Not to mention I have boxes of shingles leftover that I've already paid for and need to get used up and out of my way. DH said he just would not let up on the metal roof

DH wanted Tyvek put on the wall sheeting, just as an extra layer of protection for the wood. DH also wanted a vapor barrier. Guy first argues with DH that he doesn't need Tyvek. Then he's adamant that the Tyek is also a vapor barrier. DH says no, it's not. Hired guy said no, it's not. Guy would just not be told he was wrong about this. (straight off Dupont's website: Tyvek is not a vapor barrier).

Of course now DH feels bad and is upset all this happened. I'm like why do you even care if you are friends with someone like this? This guy has been a complete jerk to you for quite awhile now. HE owes you an apology, you do not owe him one at all. Gosh, no wonder DH was completely exhausted after those 3-4 days. He just needs to be done with that "friendship". The guy is just a miserable person to be around. He can make nice wood crafts, but as far as personality goes he sucks.

The roofer guy actually showed up like he said he would today, so the roof is getting put on it now. He talked to the mason guy this morning and he will be able to come pretty, soon it sounds like. He's not too busy right now.


  1. I would see red if someone pulled up a flag that I had explained was necessary even if I did not know why! He is a jerk, and it seems from all you have said, your husband is a nice guy. Nails in the grass? Is this guy crazy. What if a person wants to walk barefoot. I would get roof guy's magnet and go over it. Guy is sabotaging your life and your shed job. If he is ornery because he is old, maybe he needs to go live in a home.

    1. it's apparent this guy is a bit nuts and unstable. Glad to be done with someone like that. DH tries to be friends with just about everyone, but that one is not worth it.

  2. I would document everything he has said and done and also dates if possible. Crazy people will do crazy things sometimes. This way if something happens to your home or vehicles you have documented proof of his actions and words.

    1. DH is a bit worried about the same thing from him, now. He's obviously just mean and off kilter enough to do something stupid like that.

  3. Wow, I was going to say passive/aggressive but he sounds just nuts. And you have a dog - why the hell would he shoot nails into the grass? Oh I think you're better off not having that guy around too.

    1. ya, I don't think it's passive/aggressive either. Just a bully/control freak who is a bit unstable.
