Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Just this and that

We sold the car yesterday and I called to drop the car off the insurance policy. Quite a bit of a disappointment there! My billing documents break down the cost of each vehicle for the 6 month policy period. This car showed $266 for 6 months (I had very low coverage on it since it's not worth a lot and not driven very much), so I figured my monthly payment was going down $43 a month. No, I was informed it's going down a whopping $11 a month! Apparently, the breakdown cost per vehicle is just an estimate as far as the liability portion goes, so basically I was just credited for the minimal comprehensive coverage we had on the car. Boo! I won't be able to see any significant savings until we can remove DS from our policy altogether, and I'm just not ready to do that quite yet. Maybe in a few months.

The couple that bought the car were surprising their teenage daughter with it, so I'm sure she'll be thrilled. It's kind of sporty. You won't find very many 10 year old cars who's interior looks almost like brand new!

Not sure what we are doing with the $4500 yet. For now it's in an envelope at my desk (it was too late to go to the bank yesterday evening). I'll go deposit it tomorrow. The banks aren't open yet this morning and I don't want to have it in my purse all day while I'm driving 40 miles back and forth to work. For some of it we will get a load of topsoil we need for the backyard (around $200 I think) and DH also wants a leaf blower (he's wanted one of these for years) - the kind you can carry on your back while you walk around.

Today we have get to have our pictures professionally taken at work today. Oh boy...no one is too happy about it, LOL. I'd be fine with a big group picture to put in the company website, but not a close up. I was fine with pictures when I was a kid and my younger adult days, but not anymore - with wrinkles and glasses!

My boss was working on the paperwork DD left for her to fill out (did I mention DD did an internship at my office for a couple of weeks?). She needed it for her senior portifolio. Boss also told me she's going to give her some money for her work too, since she did such a great job helping us get caught up. I haven't told DD she'll be getting paid yet and she'll be surprised and happy. She can use it towards school clothes shopping.


  1. Ah, that's disappointing that it was only $11 and not the $43 that you had expected!


  2. I'm thinking your son was "rated" on the car you removed, so now he is rated on one of the remaining vehicles. Still....rats!

    1. Yes, rats! Someday it will just be me and DH and 2 vehicles....should be pretty reasonable premiums then :-)

  3. Good news on selling the car! "Funny" how insurance works ;( We always had our kids get their own policy when they turned 18. It pays to check around with different companies apart from the parents. Our adult kids got better deals with Allstate.

    1. DS will be getting on his own policy in the next few months. I just want to make sure his new life is going as planned, once he starts working, before I pull the plug on him :) DD turns 18 in a few months, but we will probably keep her on ours, for the next few years, until she graduates college. Then she'll be graduated and getting a job and can take care of her own insurance.

  4. The reason we got our kids off of our policy is due to liability .. and them being young-ish drivers. If (God forbid) they caused an accident we could have been sued since we own property (home, etc.).
