Saturday, June 1, 2013


We have been busy the past 2 days! The block wall in the back yard is finished and only took about half a day yesterday and that included going to Home Depot twice to load them up in the back of our old SUV

DD and I went flower shopping after dinner last night and I spent this morning planting. I'm so happy to have my window boxes painted and back up this year.


And the whiskey barrels

Can't wait until they are all in full bloom!  I didn't even realize one of the dogs was in the picture when I took it. I think we are going to buy a couple more barrels for some other areas of the yard and at each end of the block wall we are going to plant a lilac bush, so I as soon as DD gets home from work we are off to the garden center.  The local hardware store has a coupon for 25% off all perennials.  My budget for the flowers was $75, but so far I have only spent $42 The lady at the store was in such a hurry to check me through (she even had someone helping her with all my little packs of flowers), that after I looked at my receipt (to make she she didn't over charge me) I realized she didn't charge me for like 4 of the flower packs! She was being kind of rude (hey, not my fault they didn't have someone at the register in the garden dept) so I didn't bother to go tell her I owed her another $10 or so......oh well.

At the store last night I really liked this pretty blue ceramic bird bath.....(DH loves anything blue) that I'm thinking of going back and getting that for his birthday/Father's day gift. I think it was on sale for $49. I had already picked him up a hat, but I think I'll see if DS wants to give him that (he had already tried to look for one to give him a few weeks ago, just because he knew DH wanted one). There's a old bird bath mixed in with the first picture of the barrel, but the actual bath part got broken several years ago when the kids accidently hit it with a basketball. Now it just looks like a cute squirrel on top of a the base of a tree looking down at nothing instead of looking into the bath!

Ok, I shouldn't have sat down to write all my energy is draining and there is still LOTs of day left.


  1. It all looks beautiful! Haven't even started planting my flowers yet - hopefully tomorrow if it doesn't rain. And too bad for the cashier. I'm like you, if they are rude then too bad so sad!
