Monday, October 1, 2012

What a nice treat

DD came home from work yesterday afternoon and asked me what I had planned for dinner (a casserole) and then said that she and a friend from work (who also happens to be the sister of DS's girlfriend) wanted to take me and her mom to the restaurant they work at for dinner. I ended up making some club sandwiches for the guys before we left and we went off to have breakfast for dinner. It was such a nice girl time and I enjoy visiting with the other mom when I get a chance....afterall we'll most likely have 2 kids married to each other some day :)

Then we stopped at my mom's house as she had called and had a bunch of straight from the garden veggies and fruit for us, along with some fresh eggs.  Her boyfriends daughter lives on a small farm and had lots of extras.  Carrots, tomatoes, pears and apples and some corn.  Yum!


  1. That was a nice treat. Glad you got it.

    When my mother was "old" and had divorced my father(and I was married)it was so strange for me to realize she had a "boyfriend".
    It just sounded so strange to me....and then they shacked up together!
    I had to laugh after all the grief I got when my now Hubs and I had lived together years before. lol

    1. I know- it totally sounds strange referring to him as her boyfriend! and I'm just waiting for her to tell me they are moving in together...I think the only reason she isn't (he lives about 30 miles south of us) is because she wants to be close to where my grandma is.
