Sunday, October 28, 2012


DD and I came home yesterday around noon to find this:

All her bedding piled on the dining room table and everything else from her bedroom stacked out in the family room. Surprise! Happy early Birthday - we are putting wood flooring in your bedroom!! While we were gone DH decided (unknown to me!) to get started on the floor. He had originally wanted to try and get it all done when she was at school or work one day, but figured it was most likely going to take longer (and it did) than the average 6 hours or so she is gone at a time.

She was so surprised! We tore out the carpeting and got to work

Nine hours later it is all done except for the trim and transition pieces. Never having done this before, DH made a couple of goofs in the very beginning but once it was figured out it overall went pretty well. All the prep work to just get started and the cutting and measuring sure takes time, but it was so worth it!

Today we will finish it off and restore her room back.  It was so funny as we were driving home yesterday she said to me she thought she'd rearrange her room that afternoon (she's always doing that) and now she can start with a clean slate.  I'm ready to do the whole house with this (wink wink!).


  1. Lovely! What a great hubby!! :)

  2. So glad your flooring project went well. Now you'll want to do ALL the

  3. Looks great! What an awesome hubby! Great b'day present, too!

  4. that floor looks really good!
    Cheers for a hubby that gets things done around the house! Mine is great at starting, but terrible at finishing,

  5. do you fancy popping over and putting down the floor in the basement for's all sitting there ready to go!!


  6. Louise - my DH is the opposite - he's terrible about getting to start a project but once he starts he won't stop until he's finished.

    Gill - no "popping" going on around here today - DH can hardly move!

    DD is loving her new floor :)

  7. The floor looks great! Easy to clean and stays looking good for years :)
