Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Puppy pics

Here's he is!  Cute as the dickens but lots of TROUBLE!!


  1. Can I just say Awwwww! He is adorable. I can just smell his puppy breath! ;-) Enjoy your new family member!

    1. Yep - puppy breath, puppy kisses and soft fur :) He's been quite entertaining to say the least, but I must say we do all enjoy his nap times.

  2. Oh my gosh - how stinking cute!! I bet he's a handful! They tend to go non-stop, eh?!! So so cute. The unconditional love they give is totally worth it, if you ask me (I'm a cat mom!). They have such a calming effect on me (pets) and looking deep in their eyes I can just know that they know how much I love them! I'm sure your little guy is feeling the love!! ;-) And giving it back tenfold! Hope you'll keep posting pictures so we can watch him grow! Did you all decide on a name yet??

    1. We call him "Little Bear". He's already gained almost 5 pounds since we had him at his first vet visit 2 weeks ago.

  3. Fluffy and adorable .... just the way I like 'em! I think he is going to be a large dog ....
